My Family History Website
by Lin Vernon Floyd

The Cycle of Womanhood...

Turning Our Hearts to Our Families

Here I give the gift of the knowledge I have gained from 50 plus years of genealogy research.
It has been a labor of love to collect my ancestors photos and stories so they are not forgotten by us.
(Malachi 4:6) turning the hearts of the children to their fathers...
One day I know that we will meet them and hear their stories from their own lips.
(For more info email lin at sunrivertoday dot com)

MY PATERNAL LINES-my father Stanley H. Vernon

Elizabeth COTTRILL or COTRELL born 1827 in Derbyshire, England, wife of Francis VERNON, James COTTRILL born 1798 in England

Emma CROWDEN born 1823 in Sommerset, Engl., wife of Wm. STEVENS & Issac CROWDEN born 1797 in Engl.

Mary DEFOREST or DEFREES born 1816 in CT, wife of Noah SMITH and Ephraim GREEN, Samuel DEFOREST born 1795, Ebenezer DEFOREST born 1749, & Anthony DEFOREST born 1712

Jane DONLEY born 1813 in Cumberland, England, wife of Henry DURRAGH

Amores DRONFIELD born 1790 in Derbyshire, Engl., father of Francis VERNON

Elizabeth DURRAGH or DURRAH born 1852 in Glasgow, Scotland, wife of Oscar WILKINS & Henry DURRAH born 1812 in Scotland, husband of Jane DONLEY

Catherine Essick or Essig born 1779 in Pennsylvania, wife of Elijah MALIN Sr.

Hannah GILLET STONEHAM born 1808 in Gloucestershire, Engl., wife of George WILKINS

Martha HILL born 1807 in Derbyshire, England, wife of James COTTRELL

Eliza HORTON or HORTIN born 1848 in Warwickshire, Engl., wife of William H STEVENS; Edmund HORTON born 1808, husband of Maria MEADS

Ann LOCKE born 1798 in Sommerset, Engl., wife of Thomas STEVENS

Sarah Elizabeth MALIN born 1869 in Rockport, Utah, wife of Joseph VERNON, John M MALIN born 1833 in Pennsylvania, husband of Alice Melissa SMITH & Elijah MALIN Jr. born 1808 in Penn., husband of Sarah MCGUCKIN; Elijah MALIN Sr. born 1774 in Penn, husband of Catherine ESSICK; & Thomas MALIN born 1754 in Pennsylvania.

Sarah MCGUCKIN born 1808 in Penn., wife of Elijah MALIN Jr.; and James MCGUCKIN born 1863 in Ireland

Maria MEADS born 1814 in Warwickshire, England, wife of Edmund HORTIN; andHannah MEADS born 1800 in England

Alice Melissa SMITH born 1845 in Conn., wife of John M MALIN; Noah SMITH born 1803 in Conn., husband of Mary DEFOREST; William SMITH born 1776 & Abraham SMITH

George Geroy STEVENS born 1873 in Summit, UT, husband of Clara WILKINS William H. STEVENS born 1849 in Sommerset, Engl., wife of Eliza HORTON;William STEVENS born 181l9 in Engl., husband of Emma CROWDEN; Thomas STEVENS born 1789, wife of Ann LOCKE; Simon STEVENS born 1748 & Thomas STEVENS born 1712 all in Somerset, Engl.

Joseph VERNON born 1864 in Derbyshire, England, husband of Sarah Elizabeth MALIN; Francis VERNON born 1813 in Derbyshire, England, husband of Elizabeth COTTRELL; and Ann VERNON born 1785 in Derbyshire, England

Clara WILKINS born 1874 in Summit, Utah, wife of George STEVENS; Oscar WILKINS born 1851 in Gloucester, Engl ., husband of Elizabeth DURRAH or DURRAGH; George WILKINS born 1785 in Engl. & John WILKINS born 1752 in Engl.

MY MATERNAL LINES-my mother Evelyn H. Johnson

Priscilla ABBOTT born 1785 in NC, wife of John Lemmon Sr. ; John ABBOTT born 1755 in Maryland, husband of Margaret WILLIAMS

Miriam CALKINS born 1760 in New York?, wife of Isaac SAMPSON Sr.

Albert CLEMENTS born 1809 NY, husband of Ada WINCHELL; James H. CLEMENTS born 1780 NY

Martha HENDRIX born 1807 in Ontario, Canada, wife of Isaac SAMPSON Jr.

Olof Thorum or Olive Annie Theresia JOHNSON born 1864 in Westman Islands, Iceland, married to Wm. Marion JOHNSON Sr., her parents are Jon PETURSSON and Vilborg THORDARDOTTIR

William Marion JOHNSON Sr. born 1837 in Knox County, Ohio, married to Olof Thorum JOHNSSON; Orville JOHNSON born 1808 in Vermont &, married to Hannah KIRBY;James JOHNSON born 1780 in VT, husband of Abigail RICHARDSON; Abel JOHNSON born 1752 in Rhode Island, husband of Patience COLVIN; John JOHNSON born 1727 in RI, John JOHNSON born 1699 in RI & Elkanah JOHNSON born 1672 in RI.

Hannah KIRBY born 1811 in Maryland, wife of Orville JOHNSON & William KIRBY born abt. 1790? in Maryland, husband of Mary ?

William S LEMMON born 1854 in UT, husband of Ada Mary LOWE; John LEMMON Jr. b. 1807 in Tenn. and John LEMMON Sr.. b. 1780 in NC

Ada Mary LOWE born 1858 in Utah, wife of Wm. S. Lemmon; Richard LOWE born 1826 in Nottingham, England, husband of Ada CLEMENTS; and Joseph LOWE born 1768 in Nottingham, England, husband of Mary STIRLAND

Jon PETURSSON born 1829 in Iceland, first husband of Vilborg THORDARDOTTIR

Abigail RICHARDSON or RUBLEE? born 1788 in Berkshire, Vermont, wife of James JOHNSON


Mary Jane SAMPSON born 1837 in Missouri, wife of John LEMMON JR; Issac SAMPSON Jr. born 1801 in NY, husband of Martha HENDRIX; Isaac SAMPSON Sr. born 1760 in New York, husband of Miriam CALKINS

Vilborg THORDARDOTTIR born 1831 in Westman Islands, Iceland, wife of Jon PETURSSON and later wife of Sigurdar ARNASSON

Ada WINCHELL born 1801in New York, wife of Albert CLEMENTS; Justus WINCHELL born 1759 in Germany, husband of Eva SAVAGE