Early years and conversion to Mormonism
Oscar Wilkins was born Feb 14, 1851 at Tetbury,
Gloucestershire, England, the son of George Wilkins and Hannah
Stoneham (Gillet). Hannah was the second wife of George Wilkins
whose first wife had died in 1835. Hannah had been married previously
to Mr. Gillet and was 31 years old when she married George who
was considerable older at age 54. His occupation was a tiler and
plasterer. Hannah was the mother of 4 children with George. Oscar
was their fourth child but the ninth and youngest of his father's
children. When Oscar was 12 years old in 1860, his father died
at age 75.(5)
Oscar's mother Hannah (shown in photo on the right) remarried Richard Russell
a presiding elder of the Mormon church and father of a family
of girls. She and Oscar were converted into the Mormon church
in England and Oscar was baptized on April 1864 by Richard Russell
(3). They all emigrated to Utah in October 1864 (2). They sailed
on the ship "Hudson" from Liverpool on the June 3, 1864,
arriving in New York July 19, 1864. They crossed the plains under
the direction of Capt. Wm. Hyde's Company. There were 863 saints
under the direction of John McKay in that company. In the Wm.
Hyde ox train there were 62 ox drawn wagons and a large company
of emigrating Saints, mostly funded by the Perpetual Emigration
Fund which loaned money to the poorer saints to emigrate and then
they were to pay the money back after they got established in
order for more saints to be helped to emigrate. The ox train left Wyoming, Nebraska on Aug
9, 1864. They traveled with another company led by Snow and were
the last of this season's emigration. They had to pass through
a region where the Indians had committed some depredations upon
some non-emigrant trains. Also in Capt Hyde's company was Elder
Parley P. Pratt returning from a European mission. During the
journey 2 men, 6 women and 5 children died. One of those was
Oscar's new stepfather Richard Russell who had baptized Oscar
before they left England.He died at Wyoming, Nebraska
on Aug 16, 1864. (For more details on their travels, read Journal History of Church Oct 26, 1864. p. 3-9, on microfilm at BYU FH Library and at Church Archives in SLC.) After arriving at SLC, Oscar and his mother were
sent to Wanship to settle on Oct 17, 1864. From there they went
to Peoa to make their home. His mother married again, James Garner
of Peoa and lived there till she passed away at age 83 on June
5, 1892. Starting over in a new country Later he farmed on shares in Peoa and after
a time was able to buy his own land and helped organize and promote
the South Bench Canal Co. as President. He took a prominent part
in all matters pertaining to irrigation. He filled the position
of manager of the Coop store in Peoa several times for a period
of 9 years and then engaged in the mercantile business himself
starting in one room of his home for two years, after which he
built a new home for his family. He owned 135 acres of good farming
land all under cultivation and well irrigated. He kept 60 head
of stock on his place and was prosperous in the community. In
political life, he was in the Democratic party and active in Summit.Co. At age 19, on Oct 17, 1870 Oscar married Elizabeth
Durrah in the Endowment House in SLC. She was also a Mormon convert
who came to Utah at a young age 8 years before Oscar had made
the trip to America. (See map above to see where they had both
lived in United Kingdom.)She was born to Henry Durrah and Jane
Donely (also sometimes called Jean Donnelly) in Glasgow, Scotland on Jan 1, 1852. Elizabeth was just
6 weeks old (Ancestral file says Elizabeth was 3 years old) when
her Mother died, living one son and a grieving husband. It is
thought Henry Durrah left that area of Scotland in search of employment
and the new baby was left with Jane's sister. The baby's aunt
Elizabeth Donely Maxwell and her husband Ralph took care of her
sister's baby Elizabeth Durrah. Evidently the Maxwells were converted
to Mormonism about this time and they left Scotland in 1856 to
migrate to Utah. After they arrived in Boston, Mass., they traveled
on to a campground near Iowa City, Iowa and joined the Daniel
McArthur Handcart Co which consisted of 487 saints, 100 handcarts,
5 wagons, 25 oxen, 4 mules and 25 tents. (9) The handcart company
of Daniel D. McArthur consisted of 487 people, 100 handcarts,
5 wagons, 24 oxen, 4 mules and 25 tents. Elizabeth Durrah was
only 4 years old at the time of this great journey. Capt. McArthur's second Handcart company had
come across the sea together (Elizabeth Durrah was with this group)
then they were divided into two handcart companies led by Edmon
Ellsworth and Daniel McArthur. According to Daniel McArthur..."they
had to travel 300 miles to get to Florence, Nebraska through hot
sweltering weather and rain storms not a few. Their hand carts
were new and in an awful fix. They moaned and growled, screeched
and squealed so that a person could hear them for miles. They
had to be patched mornings, noons and nights. The train had 12
yoke of oxen, 4 wagons and 48 cars, 5 beef and 12 cows, flour
55 lbs per head, 1000 lbs of rice, 550 lbs of sugar, 400 lbs dried
apples, 125 lbs tea and 200 lbs salt for the company. They traveled
continuously except for 5 Sundays and 3 week days. Singing and
prayers were attended to every morning and night. From the Bermingham
dairy (7) we have a day by day account of their journey: July 24-we left
Florence and traveled 7 miles, July 26th-crossed
the Elkhorn River by roughly constructed ferry. The company had
to pay $6 for all to pass. Traveled 15 miles without any water
until we came to the Platte River where the water was a joyful
sight. Aug 17th-Sunday.
In camp all day. Spent the day washing and mending my boots.
"I must say my feelings were inexpressible
to behold a company of men, women and children, many of them
aged and infirm, enter the city of the Great Salt Lake, drawing
100 handcarts with which they had traveled some 1,400 miles in
nine weeks and to see them dance with joy as they traveled through
the streets. This sight filled our hearts with joy and thanksgiving
to God. We can now say to the poor and honest in heart, come
home to Zion, for the way is prepared."(7) Bands and carriages formed a line facing the
line of handcarts to welcome them and President Brigham Young
spoke a few remarks and gave them a blessing. Then the companies
pitched their tents to rest in Zion thoroughly fatigued but thrilled
to have arrived. As they entered Utah in Echo Canyon, her aunt
Elizabeth Maxwell died and was buried in the canyon near Cache
Cave. Elizabeth Maxwell's oldest son Arthur then took care of
Elizabeth Durrah. After reaching Salt Lake, Arthur married and
with his wife raised Elizabeth Durrah but she was not legally
adopted by them. Elizabeth Durrah was baptized 5 Sep 1861 at age
9 after she had arrived in Utah. Elizabeth settled with the Maxwells
in Peoa, Summit, Ut. Little is known of her childhood. Later she
would met Oscar Wilkins. Elizabeth and Oscar meet in Peoa Settling down in Peoa, Oscar farmed on shares
and after a time was able to buy his own land. He was a successful
farmer and rancher. He was one of the organizers and promoters
of the South Bench Canal Company of which he was president. He
took a prominent part in all matters pertaining to irrigation.
He filled the position of manager of the Co -Op Store in Peoa
several times covering a period of 9 years. He also engaged in
the mercantile business for himself starting a store in one room
of his home for 2 years after which he built a new home for his
family. He owned 135 acres of good farming land all under cultivation
and well irrigated. He kept 60 head of stock on his place and
was prosperous in the community.
had to take care of himself at the very early age of 13. From
the time his mother married James Garner, Oscar had to pay a set
sum of $25/month for board and room and clothes to his stepfather
until he got out on his own. Oscar had received some common school
education in England and attended school in Peoa for one winter
after coming to Utah. He worked with his stepfather in general
farming until 1868. The at age 17, Oscar went to the Black Hills
of Dakota to work on the Union Pacific railroad grading following
the railroad until it reached Ogden in the fall of 1868, Oscar
was then able to buy a team and took a subcontract on the railroad
Experiences coming across the plains
July 25th-traveled 20 miles to Elkhorn River where we
found a camp of friendly Indians. The chief was very helpful
and took one of the carts and pulled it to camp about 1/4 miles.
This was quite an exertion on his part and although he was a
tall strong looking man, it made the perspiration run down his
July 27th- camped all day on the north bend of the Platte
River. Most days we traveled 20 miles pulling and pushing our
handcarts and walking along beside them. Food was a bit of bread
and a pint of milk morning and evening this was supposed to feed
5 people.
Aug 3rd-Sunday, started at 5 o'clock without any breakfast
and had to pull the carts through 6 miles of heavy sand. Some
places the wheels were up to the boxes and it was difficult to
pull because many were weak from thirst and hunger and the pain
of boils that afflicted many in the camp. About noon a thunderstorm
came and the rain fell in torrents. In our tents we were standing
up to our knees in water and every stitch of clothes they had
on was wet as if we were dragged through the river. The rain
continued unto 8 pm the following morning.
Aug 16th- This morning an old woman belonging to our company
was bitten by a rattlesnake in the leg and before half an hour
her leg swelled to four times its thickness. She was administered
to by the Elders and we started again, but unfortunately as we
were starting another old woman was run over by one of the wagons.
The front wheel went over her thighs and the back wheels over
her shins and singular to say although the wagon was laden with
32 cwt of flour, not one of her bones was broken. This day we
had the most severe day's journey we had since we started and
traveled over 20 miles of heavy sand hills or bluffs. Besides
having to ford many streams. All seemed to be fully worn out
when we got into camp.
Aug 24th-Sunday. Camped all day at Chimney Rock. Spent the
day mending clothes, washing, baking and cooking. On the 22nd
while on the road traveling we were overtaken by a very heavy
thunderstorm which wet us all to the skin, but as soon as it
was over we went at it again and made a journey of 7-8 miles
before we camped and then we had to lie on the wet grass all
night and go to bed supperless there being no firewood to cook,
the buffalo chips being wet. We had to ford 20 steams this week.
Aug 28th- After traveling 12 miles through sand, came to
Fort Laramie where after crossing the river getting some wet
trousers and petticoats we remained all night, Passed many camps
of Indians, all peaceable.
Sept 4th Crossed Muddy Creek and traveled 20 miles late
in the evening forded the Platte again for the last time. We
are always up at daybreak preparing to start at 5 . We meet the
wagons at Deer Creek with supplies from the valley. There were
5 wagons, one for each company with 1000 lbs of flour in them.
Sept 5th Very wet today. Could not start it rained so much.
Snow four feet deep on the mountains all around us.
Sept 21th traveled at the rate of about 25 miles per day.
Two days we traveled 32 miles each. Camped last night at Fort
Bridger where we remained until 10 o'clock today. We are now
113 miles from Salt Lake City (7)
They had traveled some 1,400 miles in nine weeks and were warmly
greeted when they arrived in Salt Lake Valley on Sept 26, 1856.
Wilford Woodruff described his feelings on greeting these two
hand cart companies:
the Maxwell family was encamped coming across the plains in 1856
with young Elizabeth Durrah, a company of immigrants enroute to
Oregon met the Maxwells and wanted to adopt Elizabeth. They felt
they were better able to care for the young child on such a journey
with their covered wagon and it was decided to let them take the
little girl. In the Maxwell family were several young girls who
had helped to raise Elizabeth and they took her and hid her among
some willows on a river bank until the immigrant wagon train moved
on. Thus Elizabeth stayed with the Maxwell family. (5) (Photo
from DUP Museum on left of Elizabeth Durrah as a young lady.)
Oscar and his wife Elizabeth
would have a family of 12 children:
Front Row (l-r)- Emma Jane, mother Elizabeth Durrah Wilkins,
Edith, father Oscar Wilkins;
Middle Row-Reuben Ralph, Lillian Pearl, Albert; Back Row-Sarah
Janette, Clara Ellen, Oscar William, George Edgar, Hannah Elizabeth,
Mary Alice. Not shown Herbert who died at age 3.
Moving to the Uintah Basin
From an Interview with my grandmother Mildred Stevens Vernon about her grand parents, the Wilkins, I found out the following information.
Mildred: Grandpa (Oscar) Wilkins owned the store in Peoa and its still standing there and he left that to go out homesteading in the reservation ( in the Uintah Basin, now Duchesne County).
Bonnie: They left a prosperous business and his home and went out there and started all over again and they were getting on a lot of years then.
Mildred: And both that store and home are still standing there in Peoa, so that's pretty old.(4)
Wilkins resided in Summit County 44 years before he moved to the
Indian reservation in Duchesne County. On July 9, 1908, the US
government opened up certain parts of the Ute Indian reservation
for homesteading. Even though 57 years of age, Oscar was ready
to leave behind his established life in Peoa where he and his
family had resided so many years and venture out into the unknown
areas of the Uintah Basin. (See photo on left of his store next
to his house on the right. It still stands today on the Main Street
of Peoa.)
On July 9, 1908, Oscar, his wife, daughter Pearl and Edith and son Ruben moved out to Mt. Home to a one room log house which was finished except for shingles, doors and windows which they brought with them. It was here they started their life in Mt. Home. The house was finished and tents pitched for bedrooms. In a few days, the wagon started back to Peoa, Elizabeth and her daughters were ready to go back with it to Peoa but Oscar was excited with the new project. (5) Oscar homesteaded some land in Mountain Home which is just directly over the mountains from Kamas through the Wolf Creek Pass going East. I'm not sure his family shared his enthusiasm but they supported him nonetheless and became pioneers again in a new and undeveloped area of Utah. There were only three children left at home when they pulled up their roots and started over in Mountain Home. Most of the children in the Wilkins family followed their parents and homesteaded in the Uintah Basin also.
drove to Boneta for church and it wasn't long until Oscar was
sustained as presiding elder until he was put in as Bishop of
the Mt. "Home ward on September 10, 1911. By this time, the
people had built a chapel at Mt. Home. (See photo on right.) Their
oldest son George Edgar had preceded them to the Basin when he
came to Vernal in 1909 to farm. He had been a missionary to the
Southwestern States in 1898-1900, Then he married Zina Miles in
1901 and served another mission this time to Great Britain in
1903-1905. He was called to be Bishop of the Vernal second ward.
Another son Reuben Ralph Wilkins was a Bishop of the Mountain
Home ward in 1929-1930 following in his father's footsteps.
Tragedy strikes the family
The winter weather in the Basin can be severe
and dangerous. Oscar Wilkins, the second oldest son of the family
married Ella Moyle and was superintendent of the Wasatch County
schools. They had a homestead in Mr. Home at the present site
of Doll Lyans' farm. During the Christmas holidays, he had been
in Mt. Home with his family. His wife and children were living
in Mt. Home in order to keep up the assessment on the homestead.
He had decided to return to Peoa in spite of the bad weather because
of his job with the school district in Summit County.
A few days after he had left, his father Oscar
sent a letter to find out if he had made the journey safely. At
that time, there were few phones and when it became evident that
he had never reached Peoa, a search party was organized. One group
started at Peoa and another at Mt. Home and traveled the same
trail Oscar had used. Seven miles east of the Stewart's Ranch
the groups met. In between them was a great mountain of snow covering
the trail. It was concluded that he must be trapped in the snow
slide. The group began excavation of the slide to locate the body
or sight of the team and sled. Tunnels were dug in all directions,
straight down and from the edges, but the snow was so deep they
had no success. Finally, the men had decided that it was useless
to tunnel any further and the next morning they were going to
abandon the search and wait until spring.
During the following night George, a brother
of the victim arose several times to pray that they would be shown
a way to locate his trapped brother. Eventually, George was shown
a dream in which he saw his brother come to a snow slide. He saw
him decide to hook the horses on the back of the sled in an effort
to pull out of the drifts. He was shown the exact time when the
huge slide came down and covered Oscar and his team. The next
morning George told the men what he had seen and directed them
to the spot where they began to dig. Soon they reached the body
and found the team hooked on the back of the sled. Oscar's watch
crystal had been shattered and the watch was stopped at the exact
time that George had said in describing his dream. His wife Ella
was grief stricken and in shock. She was unable to cry throughout
the entire ordeal and she died soon after her husband.(8)
Years of service in the LDS church and the community
was a faithful and consistent member of the LDS church from the
time of his baptism at age 13 in England until his death at age
79 in the Uintah Basin in Utah. He was ordained an Elder Oct 17,
1870 at the time of his marriage in the Endowment house to Elizabeth
Durrah. On Aug 5, 1901 he was set apart as second counselor in
the High Priest's quorum of the Summit Stake to Ward Pack and
ordained a High Priest by Joseph F. Smith in 1901. He also served
as a Sunday school teacher, Superintendent of the Peoa Sunday
School, President of the Ward YMMIA, counselor in the presidency
of an Elders Quorum, Ward teacher, home missionary, etc.(3)
In Peoa Oscar had served his fellow-citizens
as a justice of the peace, school trustee and road supervisor.
His occupation was a farmer, stock raiser and merchant. He also
served in the Territorial cavalry during the Indian troubles in
the early days.(3) After he moved to the Uintah Basin, he was
ordained a Bishop of the Third ward in Roosevelt Stake. He was
sustained as Bishop of the newly created Boneta Ward in Dec 1910
until 1913. The ward was created from a division of the Roosevelt
and Theodore (Duchesne) wards. He was ordained a Bishop for Mt.
Home Ward on Sept 10, 1911 by Francis M. Lyman. In Sept 1913,
the north side of Boneta Ward was separated to form the Mountain
Home Ward and Oscar Wilkins served as Bishop of that ward from
1913 to 1920.(1 ) So he served 10 years as a Bishop then when
the Duchesne Stake was organized, Oscar was chosen a high counselor.
He was made a Patriarch of that stake in 1921(2) and held this
position until his death in 1930.
Durrah Wilkins was also active in the church and in the community
in Peoa and in the Uintah Basin. She was set apart to be a midwife
by Stake President Smart in the Uintah Basin and she delivered
many babies throughout the Basin while also giving birth to 12
children of her own. She listed the number as 265. During this
time, the midwife moved in with the family after the birth of
the baby for at least 10 days which was the length of confinement
for the new mother. The pay in those days was always minor as
people had so little material wealth in those days. She delivered
her last baby March 9, 1933 at age 84.(2) She was also a nurse
for all illnesses in the community. With no hospitals or doctors
closer than Vernal or Heber City which was 50 to 100 miles away,
she even made medicine from natural herbs such as hops, golden
seal, sulphur, peppermint, raspberry leaves, cayenne pepper, ginger
root and more. Some homemade remedies that helped with influenza
and canker among many other things. She had two strengths, one
stronger than the other for adults. (5) She was truly an angel
of mercy to hundreds of people who praised her name. Many times
she would grab her little black bag and go on a minute's notice,
often sitting in the bottom of the wagon. She would say to the
driver, "I dare to ride as fast as you dare to drive."
She took food and clothing from her own home when it was not found
in the home of the patient. She was truly a great lady and a friend
to all who knew her. (9) She delivered babies for all of her own
Oscar died June 11, 1930 at Mt. Home and Elizabeth died Jun 9. 1937. He was 79 years old. She lived 7 more years after his death until she was 85 years old when she died. They both lived long active and very productive lives. Firm in their testimonies of the restored gospel till the end of their lives. Both are buried at the Boneta Cemetery near Mt. Home. Let us not forget the example of their lives of service to their family, church and communities they lived in.
Bibliography and Footnotes
(1) History of Duchesne County by John
Barton, Utah Sesquicentennial Project, 1997-8, p. 193
(2) A news article of unknown source dated Feb 24 found in card
catalog of DUP under Oscar Wilkins also a photo of Elizabeth Durrah
Wilkins in DUP Museum in SLC
(3) Latter-Day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia by Andrew Jenson, vol 2 p. 738 "Oscar Wilkins" (has a photo of him also)
(4) Notes from taped interview with Mildred Stevens Vernon (grand
daughter of Oscar Wilkins, daughter of Clara Ellen Wilkins Stevens)
and her daughter Bonnie Vernon Williams in 1974 in Milford, Utah
transcribed by Lin Floyd.
(5) History of Oscar Wilkins and Elizabeth Durrah (Maxwell)
by Ella Durfee with help of George Wilkins, her father and
Elizabeth Durrah Wilkins, her grandmother and Oscar Wilkins
Family by Ella Wilkins Durphy and Bernice Miles Atwood.. (Used
extensively throughout this history)
(6) Church Emigration 1864 Captain Wm. Hyde's Company (see
also Journal History of Church Oct 26, 1864, p. 3-9 and
Deseret News Weekly of Oct 19, 1864 for a roster of company-Deseret
News Weekly Vol 14, p. 18 and see also Journal History
Sept 2, 14, Oct 19, 25, 26 & Nov. 2, see also John Lyman Smith
in Company f98-diary into end of Aug 64 msd 2072fd5 start Sept
64 all located at LDS Church Archives in SLC.
(7) Handcarts to Zion by LeRoy Hafen, p. 71-79, 250-215 taken from Kate B. Carter (compiler) Heart Throbs of the West, SLC: DUP,
1944, VI, p. 359 also used the Bermingham diary.
(8) "Snowslide" told by Edgar and Rue Miles, story of
death of Oscar Wilkins Jr.
(9) Pioneer, Women of Faith and Fortitude by DUP, vol.
4, p. 3372 "Elizabeth Durrah Maxwell Wilkins"
(10) Copy of "Patriarchal Blessing-Oscar Wilkins" from
Church Archives, SLC, Ut. No. 22 Peoa Summit Co, Oct 23 1887
© 2003 Lin Floyd, to contact me for more information, sign
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